Audit of the Product Stewardship Program

Fertilizers Europe member companies should have a system in place for auditing the company’s Product Stewardship Program.

The procedure should include:

  • An audit plan
  • Training and qualification requirements for internal auditors
  • Procedure for conducting audits
  • Procedure for implementing recommendations and follow-up activities

The audits should be carried out in accordance with the audit plan and the results of the audit should be documented with assignment of required corrective actions.

Fertilizers Europe organizes regular compliance audits of the implementation of the Product Stewardship Program in the member companies. The auditing is carried out by a qualified independent third party. The audits are based on:

All information, including a questionnaire and relevant inspection checklists, for the audit process can be found in the Fertilizers Europe Members Lounge. (Login required)

The Questionnaire is designed to assist the Members of Fertilizers Europe in identifying gaps and possible improvements to be made in their current Product Stewardship activity. Answers to the audit questions are given scores to facilitate a simple progress reporting and for establishing improvement targets.

The results of the auditing of the member companies are assessed by the Board of Fertilizers Europe. Those companies that do not meet the requirements of the Board are required to develop an improvement plan.

A certificate is issued to those companies that pass the audit without any non-conformity.